Saturday, October 19, 2013

Character and Nature of God

Sunset on campus :)
This week's lectures were about the different aspects of God's character. We discovered shared attributes with God ways to relate to Him. "We are like our star-breathing God, the God who makes the grass grow", he created us in His image. The God who poured out the oceans and made man from dust. It's a beautiful realization, something that we carry with us as we explore the island, tumble in the waves and soak in the rays. There is so much we can learn about God by the things He has created.
I've been learning so much in the past month about media advocasy, photography, people, culture, God and nature. I'm excited for what the next month has to offer :)
These little geckos are everywhere, so cute! 
My friends and I hitchhiking home from the beach 

The Pink Room

Image Source: Aim; Agape International Missions
This week we chose our outreach locations! Starting in December, I'll be traveling around Thailand and Cambodia for three months. While there, my team of 13 will focus on the issue of human trafficking and child prostitution.
This week’s film "The Pink Room" told the story of organizations that fight child sex trafficking, prostitution and build rehabilitation centers in Cambodia. The film made me even more passionate about my upcoming mission trip and working against human trafficking. We have not worked out exact cities or locations yet, but within the next couple weeks we will pray about it and see where God wants us to go.
-Please keep the exploited women and children of these countries in your prayers


One of the photos I took at Ironman! It was such an amazing experience to be so close to these amazing athletes and photograph for my Voice For the Voiceless media training. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week Three

Group shot with our speaker for the week, Mark Parker

This week during our lectures we learned about the Lordship of Christ and the difference between being a believer and being a disciple of Jesus. We learned a lot about ourselves and we gave up things (or people) that were holding back our relationships with Christ. We also learned different ways of worshiping (I was able to use my painting skills) and how we can clear our hearts and give total devotion to God. This picture was taken after our insane 16 hour class on Thursday that changed everyone in the class. 
One of the paintings I created during worship time. Water Color and Ink on Paper


Week three with YWAM in Kona, Hawaii
On media advocacy night we watched a docudrama depicting infanticide within the indigenous tribes of Brazil. In many tribes if a child is born with any defect, sickness or abnormality they will be killed in order to purge any “evil spirits” from the community. This film screening was particularly special because its subject—Hakani- was in the audience. As a child Hakani had trouble speaking and walking because of a thyroid problem. Because of this Hakani’s tribe pressured her parents to kill her. Unable to do it, the two ate poisonous roots so they would not have to take their own child’s life.
The tribal elders then attempted bury her alive, fortunatly she was rescued from the pit by her older brother, BiBi. The tribe decided to isolate her outside the village, and they treated her like an animal. As a 9-year-old Bibi foraged for food and cared for Hakani for 2 years before taking her to a missionary outpost. She was then given the medical attention she needed for her thyroid; and was also able to receive treatment for the mental and physical abuse she endured. Hakani is now a happy 18-year-old living in Kona with her adoptive parents.

This film ripped my heart open because the “defects” for which children are murdered can often be treated easily with modern medicine; but because of lack of access to these remote areas, prejudice and lack of representation they are denyed the help they need. I was so honored to meet this amazing woman and found her forgiveness, tender heartedness and sense of justice inspiring. This film has been shown all around the world and is sparking change within the Brazilian government. Its goal is to create alternatives for the tribes and increase medical access to the Amazon. This film truly captures what being a Voice for the Voiceless means; to see a problem and do something about it. I can’t wait to work on similar projects and make injustice known. 
Hakani (center) loved handing out autographs and sharing her popcorn with us during her movie. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week one of my Voice for the Voiceless DTS

I've just finished my first week of classes here at the YWAM Kona Base! I'm in the "Voice for the Voiceless" Discipleship Training School--a missions-centered media advocacy-training course. This week we focused on hearing God's voice, acting on it and we also learned about different aspects of intersession and prayer. I love the atmosphere and the peaceful environment here on campus. There are vibrant colors all around in the trees, flowers and the awesome ocean view. 

On Friday we had our first "media day" and our first photo journal assignment. I really enjoyed taking pictures and interviewing one of my lovely roommates and I can't wait to learn more about photography while I'm here. Each day we have work duties, I help prepare breakfast at 5am on weekdays then we have our lectures later that morning. Depending on what day it is we have various night classes, movie message nights and corporate worship times.  

The times of worship here are so energetic and electric with the Holy Spirit. I have never encountered this many like-minded and passionate individuals in one place. People from all denominations and cultures come together to sing praise, dance, jump and shout with joy for The Lord we all love. 

We still don't know where our three months of outreach will be after our training is completed. Sometime in the next week we will be presented with the options for our mission trips: It's been hard to be patient and I would ask that you pray for wisdom as I make this decision.

I'm excited to grow every day as the program goes on and experience this wonderful time of fellowship. I love and miss my family and church and would love to talk in more detail anytime. 
You can email me at:
Facebook message me
Send me gluten free cookies, love letters or anything chocolate at my mailing address:

Moriah Bakker
Voice for the Voiceless 
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy, #207 
Kailua Kona HI 96740

Song of Songs

On the day I arrived to Kona I received a welcome package with a postcard inside. On the post card there was a verse. We were all given a different passage and later we read them aloud.  On my card was written; Songs of Solomon 2:12. 

"Flowers appear in the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The Fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me"

I found this verse so relevant, I was feeling nervous about making new friends and being so far from home. These words brought me comfort and calmed my spirit, a calm I feel each time I think back on them. 

My 7 roomies :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013