Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Saying Good Bye: Love Feast

It's been a crazy three months in Kona, Hawaii at the University of the Nations. As a way of saying good bye we had a fancy dinner and danced a lot. I am going to miss all the friends I have made here and I can't wait to hear the amazing stories from India/Nepal/Uganda/South Africa. It's been a journey getting to this point with visa's being denied, last minute team members, vaccination papers misplaced and all of our funds coming in. But we made it. I could not ask for a better team and I know God will do great things through us.
My roomies at Love Feast. 

It is safe to say that I'm not the person I was when I first came to YWAM. Each week we reflect on what we have learned from the week. In our journals we write one thing we learned about God that week, here they are:
1): He values the individual.
2) He is Compassionate
3) God is the creator of all things good: He wants us to be joyful and have fun (He is also hilarious)
4) He is relatable: Jesus went through every trial and temptation that we have to face. He is also infinite: my problems are easy for Him to take care of
5) God shapes my destiny and gives me the desires of my heart
6) He cares about the little things (like laundry money and what color to dye my hair)
7) My Gog is soft and slow to anger.
8) God is Love: selfless radical passionate love. He has been pursuing my heart from the time I was born. He wants us to love others in this way as well :)
9) God likes to show us how cool he is: through big or small wonders
10) His love can transform lives
11) God can make anything bad situation work for His glory.
Those are just a few things I have learned about God in my time here. I have learned about spiritual discipline, relationships, worship, the nature and character of God, His heart for us, love and evangelism. I have cried, laughed, hugged, danced and ate salad every. single. day (twice a day). I know that I will continually look back on this experience and see how much it has shaped the rest of my life.

This will be my last blog post from Hawaii--Next stop Bangkok! Please pray for save travels and for the people I will be working with.

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