Monday, January 13, 2014

Red Light District and street Evangelism

Last night we went to "Walking Street" which is a market only open on Sundays in downtown Chiang Mai. We did street evangelism for 4 hours (6-10pm) talking mostly Westerners (or anyone who spoke English--it's a pretty touristy market). Before going I painted several faces and pictures of encouragement with bible verses in Thai and English. I have already been doing his around the university and it's a really cool conversation starter. My partner in crime Abby and I would pray over the pictures and ask God to show us who needed encouragement. Most of the time the faces I had painted where the people we were looking for. For example I painted a man with a specific mole formation on this face with certain facial features. Then I would pray for a verse that person might need. Then we hand them out as we go about or days and around town. It's a very personal encounter that people are always eager to talk about once I hand them their artwork. I have always gotten a positive reaction from this method and it opens up the door to conversation (which can be really hard in street ministries). 
I usually say that I am a missionary/artist from Seattle with YWAM, and that God gave me a picture of encouragement for you. I don't know what it means but I hope that you do and that it brightens your day. Many people are flattered and very confused at first- But when we walk away they are always smiling. It's been an amazing way for me to use my art in missions.
After some awesome conversations and exciting chase downs (we lost one man in the crowd and found him later on his motor bike) we walked just outside the market (around 10:30pm) into the Red Light district. At first it just looked like a row of bars and pubs but things are not what they seem. At every bar were Western type males-- over 40 sitting around waiting. We had already encountered many older men aggressively shuffling through town with their "girlfriends". But in the Red Light district it was much more obvious. We had an opportunity to pray over a pregnant prostitute and her friend, give them roses and bible verses to encourage them. Most of the New Life boys (age 11-23) have been saved from this street and from child prostitution. I have hope because the girls and boys I teach everyday at Abba house have been saved from this life or rescued from it. I have hope because they are safe at Abba house and there are people working here to fight sex trafficking. 
Photo Credit goes to the Lovely Miss Abigail Cook <3

Praying over and selecting the Art work

Handing out the paintings
The Redlight District 

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