Thursday, January 9, 2014


It's crazy how fast time has been flying by! We just had our last Wednesday bible study with the boys where I lead them through chapters 19 & 20 in the book of John.
Yesterday I taught an English lab at Maejo University for 3 hours. There were about 50 students but we split into 5 conversation groups. We discussed our lives, hobbies, future aspirations and cultural differences. We also acted out scenarios like applying for a job and seeing a friend after 5 years.
This morning we visited a preschool that we will teach on Monday morning. We will play English games and teach bible stories. It's amazing the range of ages and backgrounds I have had the opportunity to work with in the past three weeks. I have talked to or taught university students, Thai prisoners, Abba House girls age 8-16, New Life boys age 10-24, preschoolers and a fortune teller. I have shared my testimony, lead bible studies, preformed skits, taught English, played games and ridden almost every type of transportation imaginable. The first three weeks in Thailand have been the experience of a life time, next Wednesday we take off for Cambodia and new adventures.

Pictures from the top down: 1. at the preschool 2. a drawing of our team 3. a christian coffee shop owned by a friend of ours 4. part of my team and abba house founder 
Joyce at the coffee shop 

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